Greetings all
It’s been a while since my last update. Much has been happening.
Life for me has been good if a little tight in the budgetary department. I was denied credit on a tv and ps3 bundle moth crushed on the wheel of and angry bullied tricycle.
I have had luck with love....a rarity for me!....which has been lovely and going well so far so hurrah!!!
Weight loss has been a bit rubbish...I’ve been working out in the gym a lot!! It seems to have improved my health but made no difference to my body Shape or weight....also i’m finding very hard to say no to the cake at this point in my life. However, it’s important to remain positive... a fluctuating 17 ish stone is much better than a fluctuating 26 ish stone, for this 6’ 5’’ goliath.
I also won a laptop from HP...It’s a funky artist’s edition one....I won it for a little video I made for a competition they ran you can view it here (click).
As for work, I am very excited as rehearsals are nearing for Alice in Wonderland (New Theatre Royal Portsmouth) would love to see you there. I am playing the caterpillar, the king of hearts and the gryphon as well as i imaging some other smaller parts here and there. I have the script and rehearsal cds, so work for me has started already. But we don’t officially start for another week yet, however when we do start I shall blog regularly with its progress.
I am working on a new project, one that is based on an old project. I wrote a series of monologues some of which are on youtube, called Enchanted Truths....i had a brainwave and have been working it through with my very good and talented friend ben ( ), and looking at reworking these monologues into something new. Its very exciting and i shall update in the future when they are further in development.
Other than that my chickpeas things are good even if the economy isn’t. So woofta tits hurrah!!
Take care folks,
Love and hugs,
Chris xx
blog intro
Hello and welcome to my blog, please rest your eyes over my written goods.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Sunday, 2 August 2009
HP Competition
Please Please Please Please, vote for me in this video competition.
Its with HP and I had to make a video about a couple of aspects about myself but not show my face. there were strong limitations on what could be used....hense no music.
Please vote for me by giving stars and comments.
thank you so much.
i shall repay you with metaphorical cheese.
Much love
Chris XX
You on YOu,
Friday, 17 July 2009
My Harry Potter Review!!
So...ok....On Wednesday night this week I went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
And this is my Review.
*loads of spoilers so be warned*
First of all I am confused about the rating of the film because I have read elsewhere that it was given a PG rating. When I saw it, it was given a 12A. Anyone know why? Are they different ways of saying the same thing?
Second of all I just want to say that I think since Order of the Phoenix.... LUNA LOVEGOOD has stolen the films for me. She is wonderful, and seems to innocently and gently steal any scene she glides through. I want her to have her own film and series of books.
Anyway... the film overall. Rub your bums this might be a long one.
The mood, as is the fashion with the harry potter films, is indeed ‘darker’ that before...however, it is also funnier. I suppose a good way of describing the atmosphere of the film is sombre. It has moments of excitement, moments of great humour and moments of great sadness, but overall there is something sombre running underneath. A sort of feeling of despair. And I liked it for that.
Perhaps this is because there aren’t any moments of great triumph, no big trio win the day moments, no house points, or Halloween celebrations. Just Harry’s story. And it really is Harry’s story, as many of the other players have just blink and you’ll miss them moments. But this is to be expected when cutting down a book as big as the Half Blood Prince.
Over all, I really enjoyed the film. But there is still a small feeling left with me, that it wasn’t quite adequate enough. There is something about the film that is not quite fulfilling, and it’s taken me a couple of days to really think about what it is...and I think I have worked out.
To me it didn’t quite feel like we were given enough of anybodies story. The Half Blood Prince is complex in that there are numerous important plots that play out. There is Harry’s story...his lessons with Dumbledore, his relationship with Ginny, his task with Slughorn, and his obsession with the Half blood prince. That’s four quite major story lines just for Harry to cram in. Then of course we have Snapes defence against the dark arts teacher, the unbreakable vow, his need to help Malfoy, his difficulties with Dumbledore. Then of course there is Malfoy’s story of desperately trying to achieve the dark lords task, avoiding Snape, his face off with Dumbledore, his feelings over what has happened to his father. Then there is Slughorn the new teacher and his history and purpose....oh and of course there is Ron and Hermione to get in there as well. That is a lot to fit into a film even if it is 2 1/2hours long. And as such I don’t feel like as an audience we were really shown much of a journey for anybody. More sort of quick overviews. More of this in a minute.
Harry has his lessons with Dumbledore. And personally I think Gambon nails the part of Dumbledore this time. He managed to marry the darkness and urgency with great humour and eccentricities. But I also consistently believed he truly was a great wizard of immense power and knowledge. I really thought he was wonderful, and it made his death all the more painful. In fact, I thought that particular scene was played with incredible grace by all actors involved and Gambons ‘Severus, Please’ was perfect, emotional but ambiguous.
The acting praise doesn’t stop with Gambon. I think all of the cast upped their game in this film. Hermione seemed believably heartbroken, and her small scene when she tells Harry he’s her best friend and she wants to know how he feels about seeing Ginny with another, was a really lovely scene that portrayed the depth of their friendship beautifully. It made me look forward to the moment of Ron’s return in the seventh book. Because it’s nice to see just how deep and important the trio’s friendship is. Ron and Hermione, more than anyone, are Harry’s family, and it’s nice to have a director show how emotionally raw that can be sometimes.
Radcliffe is good as Harry, mature and relaxed in this film, and his Felix scenes are both inspired and beautifully played. Grint is funny as ever, and his relationship with lavender is well handled. However, I felt there wasn’t the emotional connection between Harry and Ron as there was with Harry and Hermione. Except perhaps when Ron is on the love potion and jumps onto Harry’s bed love sick and dopey, looking to his best friend for help.
Rickman is wonderful as Snape... less intense than he is portrayed in the book, but his good/evil ambiguity is still nicely handled. Although he doesn’t shout ‘Don’t Call me coward’ which I was looking forward to because Rickman really does shout venom well.
And of course the brilliant Jim Broadbent. Not looking quite how I envisaged Slughorn in the book, but he brings such a quirkiness and believability to him that he is a joy to watch. He wasn’t how I expected him to be...or even wanted him to many ways he was better. He had a lovely eye tick that looked a bit like he had winked at so many people it had become a physical habit. Brilliant.
So...why with all this good acting did if feel somewhat lacking. Well. There wasn’t quite enough pain for me. There wasn’t quite enough trails, or difficulty. I felt Malfoy was having the hardest time, really caught in a horrible position, and really struggling with it, but there wasn’t quite enough of him for it to matter enough. And the same goes for Harry and Dumbledore’s journey. We miss some of the memories I really wanted to see and also some important information.
We find out the essential... what is a Horcrux. And that Tom Riddle was a manipulative little boy. We don’t however come to the realization that he liked to collect a magpie. He liked trophies....that’s quite important info what you’re Harry on a mission to destroy them. And by not finding them out we don’t have the Hepzibah memory, with the locket! (We don’t even know why it’s a locket at all when they get it!) We don’t have the examples of Tom Killing for the first time and tearing his soul apart. So we have no back story of Voldemorts journey. There is not creation of Voldemort, just what he was like as a kid. No scene of him coming back to Hogwarts asking for a job, not sign of the tiara anywhere, no Morfin memory.
Basically, we don’t see how the boy riddle became the man Voldemort....which I thought was frankly one of the most exciting parts of the book. As a consequence we don’t know what sort of Horcruxes Harry needs to looks for. What is the ring? What is the locket? Where did he get it? None of this is answered or even adhered to...How will that effect the storytelling of the final book.
So I found that unfulfilling.
Dumbledore and Harry’s journey into the cave showed off some wonderful effects, there was no climbing down the cliff, no swimming to the rock (although even in the book I thought ‘they are wizards...why are they swimming?’) no brooms used to get back to the castle. I know its nit picking and doesn’t really offer anything in terms of story, but what these things did offer was a sense of adventure. The sense of Dumbledore having to rely on Harry... and that wasn’t all that clear. It is also a good example of just how determined and adventurous Dumbledore is for an old man.
However I have to say the Ring of fire / Dumbledore become Moses moment was breathtakingly exciting and really really really awesome effects.
So yes, I found the adventurous moments a little unfulfilling, as was the whole riddle to Voldemort story. But also I found the half blood prince story unfulfilling. In fact to me it almost felt like they quickly had to jam it in when they could. And I wandered if it hadn’t been called the half blood prince, if they would have cut it entirely. Harry’s obsession with the book comes across and a slight interest. There just isn’t time to show Harry reading a book and discussing the handwriting...but as such that storyline suffers hugely. And it did kind of make me think...if I hadn’t read the books, when Snape says ‘ I am the half blood prince’, I might have gone...’So what?’.
So again that, for me, was not fulfilling.
Also I thought it was a strange choice to have harry (a) not under the invisibility cloak and (b) not frozen. In the Dumbledore death scene. By not doing either of these things it changes Harry’s character. It makes him less reckless, less hot headed, less brave in some ways, more obedient but even more importantly it has given him a new grief complex!!! He even said in the following scenes that he did nothing. So he now regrets and blames himself for Dumbledore’s death? This is strange because it’s just not the case in the book, he tried to do something but was glued to the spot and the minute he was free he was after Snape! All thoughts of self preservation out of the window. It seemed to be an unnecessary change for aesthetics sake, but for me has quite severe character repercussions for Harry.
I wanted to see the Funeral...but I also didn’t miss it that much. They did show Fawkes leaving which was nice. I also wish Ron had spoken in that last chat the trio had.
What I did like a lot aside from the acting was seeing Snape’s house. The humour. Lavender. Helena Bonham carter. Mrs Malfoy and the unbreakable vow scene. I actually liked the handling of Harry and Ginny’s relationship. It felt right for the film. And I also liked the slightly suggestive moments. Anybody else smirk when Ginny did up Harry’s shoe lace? I also liked Ron’s slightly mishandled physical contact with Harry...Like the look at my chaffing lips, and the jumping onto the bed with him. Just subtle examples of friends finding their physical barriers with each other which I think is very typical with boys.
Luna turning up for the party (I was one of the many audience members who went ‘Awwwww’).
Snape being thrown up upon. The attention to detail.... like the Weasleys shop! And Mr. Weasley’s shed! I quite liked the attack on the burrow because it helped keep the feeling of danger being very close to harry. Katie bells curse was suitably scary. The Sectumsemptra (spell?) scene was good...although I wanted it to be a bit more shocking.
The Amazing and full score! Really lovely music. The cinematography and style of film is really beautiful. Some lovely framed shots. The Snape silhouette as the sky grew dark sticks in my mind as one small example of a lovely shot. Some really well done effects. A lovely foggy looking Hogwarts. And again I have to say it...Luna ‘That’s why I don’t wear shoes to bed’... (Because we were all wondering) Lovegood.
I would give this film almost four out of five stars. ok four out of five stars.... but only just!
Sorry it was so long I just had a lot to say about it!!
Chris xx
So...ok....On Wednesday night this week I went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
And this is my Review.
*loads of spoilers so be warned*
First of all I am confused about the rating of the film because I have read elsewhere that it was given a PG rating. When I saw it, it was given a 12A. Anyone know why? Are they different ways of saying the same thing?
Second of all I just want to say that I think since Order of the Phoenix.... LUNA LOVEGOOD has stolen the films for me. She is wonderful, and seems to innocently and gently steal any scene she glides through. I want her to have her own film and series of books.
Anyway... the film overall. Rub your bums this might be a long one.
The mood, as is the fashion with the harry potter films, is indeed ‘darker’ that before...however, it is also funnier. I suppose a good way of describing the atmosphere of the film is sombre. It has moments of excitement, moments of great humour and moments of great sadness, but overall there is something sombre running underneath. A sort of feeling of despair. And I liked it for that.
Perhaps this is because there aren’t any moments of great triumph, no big trio win the day moments, no house points, or Halloween celebrations. Just Harry’s story. And it really is Harry’s story, as many of the other players have just blink and you’ll miss them moments. But this is to be expected when cutting down a book as big as the Half Blood Prince.
Over all, I really enjoyed the film. But there is still a small feeling left with me, that it wasn’t quite adequate enough. There is something about the film that is not quite fulfilling, and it’s taken me a couple of days to really think about what it is...and I think I have worked out.
To me it didn’t quite feel like we were given enough of anybodies story. The Half Blood Prince is complex in that there are numerous important plots that play out. There is Harry’s story...his lessons with Dumbledore, his relationship with Ginny, his task with Slughorn, and his obsession with the Half blood prince. That’s four quite major story lines just for Harry to cram in. Then of course we have Snapes defence against the dark arts teacher, the unbreakable vow, his need to help Malfoy, his difficulties with Dumbledore. Then of course there is Malfoy’s story of desperately trying to achieve the dark lords task, avoiding Snape, his face off with Dumbledore, his feelings over what has happened to his father. Then there is Slughorn the new teacher and his history and purpose....oh and of course there is Ron and Hermione to get in there as well. That is a lot to fit into a film even if it is 2 1/2hours long. And as such I don’t feel like as an audience we were really shown much of a journey for anybody. More sort of quick overviews. More of this in a minute.
Harry has his lessons with Dumbledore. And personally I think Gambon nails the part of Dumbledore this time. He managed to marry the darkness and urgency with great humour and eccentricities. But I also consistently believed he truly was a great wizard of immense power and knowledge. I really thought he was wonderful, and it made his death all the more painful. In fact, I thought that particular scene was played with incredible grace by all actors involved and Gambons ‘Severus, Please’ was perfect, emotional but ambiguous.
The acting praise doesn’t stop with Gambon. I think all of the cast upped their game in this film. Hermione seemed believably heartbroken, and her small scene when she tells Harry he’s her best friend and she wants to know how he feels about seeing Ginny with another, was a really lovely scene that portrayed the depth of their friendship beautifully. It made me look forward to the moment of Ron’s return in the seventh book. Because it’s nice to see just how deep and important the trio’s friendship is. Ron and Hermione, more than anyone, are Harry’s family, and it’s nice to have a director show how emotionally raw that can be sometimes.
Radcliffe is good as Harry, mature and relaxed in this film, and his Felix scenes are both inspired and beautifully played. Grint is funny as ever, and his relationship with lavender is well handled. However, I felt there wasn’t the emotional connection between Harry and Ron as there was with Harry and Hermione. Except perhaps when Ron is on the love potion and jumps onto Harry’s bed love sick and dopey, looking to his best friend for help.
Rickman is wonderful as Snape... less intense than he is portrayed in the book, but his good/evil ambiguity is still nicely handled. Although he doesn’t shout ‘Don’t Call me coward’ which I was looking forward to because Rickman really does shout venom well.
And of course the brilliant Jim Broadbent. Not looking quite how I envisaged Slughorn in the book, but he brings such a quirkiness and believability to him that he is a joy to watch. He wasn’t how I expected him to be...or even wanted him to many ways he was better. He had a lovely eye tick that looked a bit like he had winked at so many people it had become a physical habit. Brilliant.
So...why with all this good acting did if feel somewhat lacking. Well. There wasn’t quite enough pain for me. There wasn’t quite enough trails, or difficulty. I felt Malfoy was having the hardest time, really caught in a horrible position, and really struggling with it, but there wasn’t quite enough of him for it to matter enough. And the same goes for Harry and Dumbledore’s journey. We miss some of the memories I really wanted to see and also some important information.
We find out the essential... what is a Horcrux. And that Tom Riddle was a manipulative little boy. We don’t however come to the realization that he liked to collect a magpie. He liked trophies....that’s quite important info what you’re Harry on a mission to destroy them. And by not finding them out we don’t have the Hepzibah memory, with the locket! (We don’t even know why it’s a locket at all when they get it!) We don’t have the examples of Tom Killing for the first time and tearing his soul apart. So we have no back story of Voldemorts journey. There is not creation of Voldemort, just what he was like as a kid. No scene of him coming back to Hogwarts asking for a job, not sign of the tiara anywhere, no Morfin memory.
Basically, we don’t see how the boy riddle became the man Voldemort....which I thought was frankly one of the most exciting parts of the book. As a consequence we don’t know what sort of Horcruxes Harry needs to looks for. What is the ring? What is the locket? Where did he get it? None of this is answered or even adhered to...How will that effect the storytelling of the final book.
So I found that unfulfilling.
Dumbledore and Harry’s journey into the cave showed off some wonderful effects, there was no climbing down the cliff, no swimming to the rock (although even in the book I thought ‘they are wizards...why are they swimming?’) no brooms used to get back to the castle. I know its nit picking and doesn’t really offer anything in terms of story, but what these things did offer was a sense of adventure. The sense of Dumbledore having to rely on Harry... and that wasn’t all that clear. It is also a good example of just how determined and adventurous Dumbledore is for an old man.
However I have to say the Ring of fire / Dumbledore become Moses moment was breathtakingly exciting and really really really awesome effects.
So yes, I found the adventurous moments a little unfulfilling, as was the whole riddle to Voldemort story. But also I found the half blood prince story unfulfilling. In fact to me it almost felt like they quickly had to jam it in when they could. And I wandered if it hadn’t been called the half blood prince, if they would have cut it entirely. Harry’s obsession with the book comes across and a slight interest. There just isn’t time to show Harry reading a book and discussing the handwriting...but as such that storyline suffers hugely. And it did kind of make me think...if I hadn’t read the books, when Snape says ‘ I am the half blood prince’, I might have gone...’So what?’.
So again that, for me, was not fulfilling.
Also I thought it was a strange choice to have harry (a) not under the invisibility cloak and (b) not frozen. In the Dumbledore death scene. By not doing either of these things it changes Harry’s character. It makes him less reckless, less hot headed, less brave in some ways, more obedient but even more importantly it has given him a new grief complex!!! He even said in the following scenes that he did nothing. So he now regrets and blames himself for Dumbledore’s death? This is strange because it’s just not the case in the book, he tried to do something but was glued to the spot and the minute he was free he was after Snape! All thoughts of self preservation out of the window. It seemed to be an unnecessary change for aesthetics sake, but for me has quite severe character repercussions for Harry.
I wanted to see the Funeral...but I also didn’t miss it that much. They did show Fawkes leaving which was nice. I also wish Ron had spoken in that last chat the trio had.
What I did like a lot aside from the acting was seeing Snape’s house. The humour. Lavender. Helena Bonham carter. Mrs Malfoy and the unbreakable vow scene. I actually liked the handling of Harry and Ginny’s relationship. It felt right for the film. And I also liked the slightly suggestive moments. Anybody else smirk when Ginny did up Harry’s shoe lace? I also liked Ron’s slightly mishandled physical contact with Harry...Like the look at my chaffing lips, and the jumping onto the bed with him. Just subtle examples of friends finding their physical barriers with each other which I think is very typical with boys.
Luna turning up for the party (I was one of the many audience members who went ‘Awwwww’).
Snape being thrown up upon. The attention to detail.... like the Weasleys shop! And Mr. Weasley’s shed! I quite liked the attack on the burrow because it helped keep the feeling of danger being very close to harry. Katie bells curse was suitably scary. The Sectumsemptra (spell?) scene was good...although I wanted it to be a bit more shocking.
The Amazing and full score! Really lovely music. The cinematography and style of film is really beautiful. Some lovely framed shots. The Snape silhouette as the sky grew dark sticks in my mind as one small example of a lovely shot. Some really well done effects. A lovely foggy looking Hogwarts. And again I have to say it...Luna ‘That’s why I don’t wear shoes to bed’... (Because we were all wondering) Lovegood.
I would give this film almost four out of five stars. ok four out of five stars.... but only just!
Sorry it was so long I just had a lot to say about it!!
Chris xx
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Entertainment Recently
Hello Hello
Just thought I would write an entry about entertainment I have enjoyed over the last couple of months, because I feel it has been a particularly interesting few weeks.
Generally I don’t watch TV, unless there is something specific like a period drama that I have been waiting to see. There is just so much cheap crap. People buying houses, people buying houses abroad, people talking about building houses, people cleaning houses, people decorating houses, people doing gardens and people going for walks in the country side. Then there are Chavs screaming at mothers, mothers screaming at Chavs, television presenters playing physiologists screaming at Chavy mother and at some point everybody slept with each other and apparently they are all related....and of course there is big brother.
That’s British tv for you.
But I must say there have been a few things that have grabbed my attention.
Freefall – a drama sort of about the recession. Gritty, hand held camera style. With some of the best naturalistic and believable acting I have seen for ages....good stuff.
Pushing Daisies – American, Fantastical over the top romance of the un-dead kind, nice mystery plot lines with a cracking cast and some beautiful surreal moments. The musical parts are my favourite. And some really touching times when the love interests express their love by not touching.
LOST – the recent series of lost was I thought simply superb. It raced along, there was little flab or filler. The acting was excellent, and the twists and turns mind blowing. Many questions were answered and you weren’t let guessing too long which kept it fun. But retained enough mystery to really stay tense....and the last episode and the cliff hanger were breath taking....i have a theory and it involves Jacob being a sort of god (one that maybe represents science) and another guy (dressed in black) being the smoke monster sort of representing faith. But that’s all for another post...however ...good stuff.
Family Guy and American Dad – still funny. Still shocking. I think they are a little formulaic now, but there is still so much fun to be had with them.
I have been revisiting some older TV comedy – Spaced – It is one of the best comedy series written for TV in my opinion. Why there can’t be more things like it I don’t know. But it’s still fresh. It’s still funny. But mostly for all its overblown style and cinematic language it still touching and it still feels real. Real in terms of character relationships and relate -ability to its audience.
I have enjoyed a couple of trips to the theatre recently.
I was fortunate enough to catch Illyria’s open air tours of The Three Musketeers and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Both are stunning shows and are lovingly crafted with much energy, creativity and humour. They are touring the country all summer along with The Mowgli Stories.
The Winchester Hat fair was in town. So called because it’s a festival of street theatre, and traditionally buskers would lay out their hats for money. Of course many people now just turn up in silly hats. And there is nothing wrong with that. Some lovely acts. Beautiful puppet dragons, a brilliant painter who does a large portrait upside down and you can only tell what it is when he spins it around!
Next week I am off to see Lords and Ladies (a Terry Pratchett play on tour) and off into London to catch my idol Sir Ian Mckellen in ‘Waiting for Godot’.
Star Trek – So much fun. JJ Abrhams really did himself proud I thought. Nice part of the story to tell. I loved how they reinvented it but kept it within cannon. Nice fresh cast, lots of new faces, sexy funny and exciting. And genuinely emotional at times. Great effects. A really good summer blockbuster.
Valkyrie – Hmmmm. It’s ok. Some nice moments. Some exciting bits. But why these Nazis were portrayed as so good they were frankly Jesus...I don’t know. Yes they tried to kill Hitler...but they were still Nazis! Confusing mix of accents as well considering they were all meant to be German. Ok so they speak English, and most of the cast had English accents, but then there were some American ones.... and Hitler actually has a German accent...I mean...Eh?! It’s like ‘Allo Allo’ on a big budget.
Bruno – One of the funniest films I have seen in ages. Some staged parts but the non staged parts are frankly knuckle scrappingly awkward, and seriously, Sacha Baron Cohen is fearless!!!!
Blood the Last Vampire – based on the manga film. Disapointing, and some terrible effects.
Confessions of a shopaholic – No! Just no.
Coraline in 3d – The new model animation from the Nightmare before Christmas creators. Felt a little long (but I may have just been tired) and quite scary for very little kids...but really staggeringly beautiful. The animation and characters are out of this world stunning.
Bolt in 3d – doesn’t have the depth or richness of character the pixar Disney films have, but it still pulls the odd tear out of the eye, and has some lovely animated moments, enjoyable.
Transformers 2 - Amazing effects, some sad moments, and some funny moments. really exciting. fan pleasing. yes the script is at times cheese and a bit too smart for its own good. But its transformers!! and they kicked arse!!!
HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE – I’ll do a bigger review I think because I really liked it and feel like I need to discuss it...being the Harry Potter fan that I am. But I say oh yes!
Other things
I am off to see the Banksie exebition in Bristol tomorrow, looking forward to that. I'm also hoping to catch Sister Act in the West End, when money permits of course.
Take Care All
Bye Bye for now
Chris xx
Just thought I would write an entry about entertainment I have enjoyed over the last couple of months, because I feel it has been a particularly interesting few weeks.
Generally I don’t watch TV, unless there is something specific like a period drama that I have been waiting to see. There is just so much cheap crap. People buying houses, people buying houses abroad, people talking about building houses, people cleaning houses, people decorating houses, people doing gardens and people going for walks in the country side. Then there are Chavs screaming at mothers, mothers screaming at Chavs, television presenters playing physiologists screaming at Chavy mother and at some point everybody slept with each other and apparently they are all related....and of course there is big brother.
That’s British tv for you.
But I must say there have been a few things that have grabbed my attention.
Freefall – a drama sort of about the recession. Gritty, hand held camera style. With some of the best naturalistic and believable acting I have seen for ages....good stuff.
Pushing Daisies – American, Fantastical over the top romance of the un-dead kind, nice mystery plot lines with a cracking cast and some beautiful surreal moments. The musical parts are my favourite. And some really touching times when the love interests express their love by not touching.
LOST – the recent series of lost was I thought simply superb. It raced along, there was little flab or filler. The acting was excellent, and the twists and turns mind blowing. Many questions were answered and you weren’t let guessing too long which kept it fun. But retained enough mystery to really stay tense....and the last episode and the cliff hanger were breath taking....i have a theory and it involves Jacob being a sort of god (one that maybe represents science) and another guy (dressed in black) being the smoke monster sort of representing faith. But that’s all for another post...however ...good stuff.
Family Guy and American Dad – still funny. Still shocking. I think they are a little formulaic now, but there is still so much fun to be had with them.
I have been revisiting some older TV comedy – Spaced – It is one of the best comedy series written for TV in my opinion. Why there can’t be more things like it I don’t know. But it’s still fresh. It’s still funny. But mostly for all its overblown style and cinematic language it still touching and it still feels real. Real in terms of character relationships and relate -ability to its audience.
I have enjoyed a couple of trips to the theatre recently.
I was fortunate enough to catch Illyria’s open air tours of The Three Musketeers and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Both are stunning shows and are lovingly crafted with much energy, creativity and humour. They are touring the country all summer along with The Mowgli Stories.
The Winchester Hat fair was in town. So called because it’s a festival of street theatre, and traditionally buskers would lay out their hats for money. Of course many people now just turn up in silly hats. And there is nothing wrong with that. Some lovely acts. Beautiful puppet dragons, a brilliant painter who does a large portrait upside down and you can only tell what it is when he spins it around!
Next week I am off to see Lords and Ladies (a Terry Pratchett play on tour) and off into London to catch my idol Sir Ian Mckellen in ‘Waiting for Godot’.
Star Trek – So much fun. JJ Abrhams really did himself proud I thought. Nice part of the story to tell. I loved how they reinvented it but kept it within cannon. Nice fresh cast, lots of new faces, sexy funny and exciting. And genuinely emotional at times. Great effects. A really good summer blockbuster.
Valkyrie – Hmmmm. It’s ok. Some nice moments. Some exciting bits. But why these Nazis were portrayed as so good they were frankly Jesus...I don’t know. Yes they tried to kill Hitler...but they were still Nazis! Confusing mix of accents as well considering they were all meant to be German. Ok so they speak English, and most of the cast had English accents, but then there were some American ones.... and Hitler actually has a German accent...I mean...Eh?! It’s like ‘Allo Allo’ on a big budget.
Bruno – One of the funniest films I have seen in ages. Some staged parts but the non staged parts are frankly knuckle scrappingly awkward, and seriously, Sacha Baron Cohen is fearless!!!!
Blood the Last Vampire – based on the manga film. Disapointing, and some terrible effects.
Confessions of a shopaholic – No! Just no.
Coraline in 3d – The new model animation from the Nightmare before Christmas creators. Felt a little long (but I may have just been tired) and quite scary for very little kids...but really staggeringly beautiful. The animation and characters are out of this world stunning.
Bolt in 3d – doesn’t have the depth or richness of character the pixar Disney films have, but it still pulls the odd tear out of the eye, and has some lovely animated moments, enjoyable.
Transformers 2 - Amazing effects, some sad moments, and some funny moments. really exciting. fan pleasing. yes the script is at times cheese and a bit too smart for its own good. But its transformers!! and they kicked arse!!!
HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE – I’ll do a bigger review I think because I really liked it and feel like I need to discuss it...being the Harry Potter fan that I am. But I say oh yes!
Other things
I am off to see the Banksie exebition in Bristol tomorrow, looking forward to that. I'm also hoping to catch Sister Act in the West End, when money permits of course.
Take Care All
Bye Bye for now
Chris xx
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
busy busy busy
Hello all!!!
In the news today....
So... the last few weeks for me have a slightly dull feeling and yet, I seem to be so busy my feet barely touch the ground.
Today has lovely weather but it was slightly ruined for me by having to do some flyering. Dear Jeebus! It can be such a demeaning thing to do. I’m sure it must create deep psychological scars. I mean I can barely look at paper now!
I have flyered a lot before, for many a show or event and it can be ok. Sometimes the street vibe is good. Sometimes you’re hidden in costume! Or simply the production is great so you sell it because you believe in it. But to try and sell a BBQ that although nice, many would think ‘SEVEN COCKING QUID for a burger!!!!’ was painfully hard. I received many a filthy look, rude gesture, grumble and some downright outrage at my little leaflet. So I packed it in and came home :)
However, this morning I had the delight to serve Jenny Eclair her breakfast! She was very nice (as was Susie Blake) and she likes her bacon extra crispy, and I damn well think she’s right.
The weighting room....
I have been doing what some beefcakes call pumping iron. However, I think I’m going to call it pumping large grey plastic discs full of sand, strapped precariously to a long steel bar. Over the last year I have gone from 26 stone to 17.5 stone in weight (that’s a 56’’ waist to a 39’’ waist). And it’s very nice, but I have reached that bloody hard bit where I just can’t quite reach my goal. So I am hoping some weights will help and so far so good. It’s certainly helping to tone the old chest and arms.
What concerns me is the problem with baggy skin. The same sort of thing women often have after pregnancy. Which almost re-tightens but doesn’t quite. My worry is that I was so fat for so long it may not re-tighten. Tummy tucks and such are very very very expensive, and to get one on the NHS or even assistance from them means you have to let your skin fester, rot and die before they even think of helping you. So I am trying to tone up, using a bit of massage and regularly applying Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Firming lotion. It’s meant to take six weeks to work...week 2 and yes some improvements. If it fails then I just need to hope for a well paid job to come my way.
Work Work Work....
I was offered a stunning tour of the ‘The Mowgli Stories’ with Illyria ( playing Baloo. I was very very excited by it, but recently, I have been fortunate enough to be getting interest from some very big casting people, and films etc. So I took a business risk and turned down the tour, to be available for a while to see what else I could net. Of course the minute I did, the auditions dried up and instead I am serving Jenny Eclair crispy bacon for breakfast.
As much as I regret this decision I do still believe that in any business you have to take risks every now and then. I just hope something trundles my way over the next few months.
BUT!!! All is not completely hopeless! It’s important to remain creative and I have been doing just that!
I have been quite busy on a variety of things. I have had a few little art commissions, a drawing, a painting and a couple of little sculptures. So they have been nice to be getting on with. But as ever they are for friends of friends etc, so I keep under charging for them by a huge amount, or doing it for free...still I love doing it though.
My new web page is proving a lovely tool ( built by my very good and very talented friend Ben Francis ( . I will be uploading some of the art work I have been recently working on to the site soon so what this space.
I also had some cool business cards made up. I have never had business cards before but I thought it was about time I got a few. But I didn’t want just dull boring ones, oh no. I wanted something interesting, a little different. Something that showed off my talents as an actor, but also an artist and writer...something that captures personality as well as contact details, but also matches my web site! Then I found ! They are great because they print each card separately. So effectively the front of all the cards can be different.
I decided to put one of my poems with a little illustration on the front of the cards, so each card has a different tale and picture, with my details on the back! See below.

I love them you should check out if you are looking for thing like business cards and printing.
"The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live." - - - Morris Adler
I am currently trying to put my art work to a good use by struggling to learn animation. Specifically Flash animation at the moment. I have found Flash to be a really amazing tool and although at first it completely baffled me, it have picked up the basics in just a couple of hours. The whole program just makes sense, and the more you work with it the quicker and easier it becomes.
I have two reasons really for learning this, one: because maybe I could put my artwork to a more! And do some web flash banners and designs...It’s something that I could do on the road and might help just pay my bills a little. You never know.
But the main reason for learning is because I have written a few short movie ideas that will, one way or another, involve animation. And I hope to be able to produce the effects I want in the near future. (I’ll update on the progress of this later)
If music be the food of love....then great, but I’m actually starving and off for a burger....
Developed an awesome recipe for a vegetarian six bean chilli....really really nice...really filling and unbelievably healthy, doesn’t cost much either....if anyone fancies the recipe, email me and I shall send it to you.
Right then, you gorgeous lovely people. Take the very best care and I shall speak to you all soon.
Love and hugs
Chris Xx
Ps – Star Trek movie....oh dear god yes!!!
PPS – transformers 2 – on Friday – can’t wait
PPSS? - Very lovely electrician working where I work this week. So lovely that every time I tried to talk to him (which was a lot) I got tongue tied and just kept asking lame questions about fuse boxes....I’m such a loser.
In the news today....
So... the last few weeks for me have a slightly dull feeling and yet, I seem to be so busy my feet barely touch the ground.
Today has lovely weather but it was slightly ruined for me by having to do some flyering. Dear Jeebus! It can be such a demeaning thing to do. I’m sure it must create deep psychological scars. I mean I can barely look at paper now!
I have flyered a lot before, for many a show or event and it can be ok. Sometimes the street vibe is good. Sometimes you’re hidden in costume! Or simply the production is great so you sell it because you believe in it. But to try and sell a BBQ that although nice, many would think ‘SEVEN COCKING QUID for a burger!!!!’ was painfully hard. I received many a filthy look, rude gesture, grumble and some downright outrage at my little leaflet. So I packed it in and came home :)
However, this morning I had the delight to serve Jenny Eclair her breakfast! She was very nice (as was Susie Blake) and she likes her bacon extra crispy, and I damn well think she’s right.
The weighting room....
I have been doing what some beefcakes call pumping iron. However, I think I’m going to call it pumping large grey plastic discs full of sand, strapped precariously to a long steel bar. Over the last year I have gone from 26 stone to 17.5 stone in weight (that’s a 56’’ waist to a 39’’ waist). And it’s very nice, but I have reached that bloody hard bit where I just can’t quite reach my goal. So I am hoping some weights will help and so far so good. It’s certainly helping to tone the old chest and arms.
What concerns me is the problem with baggy skin. The same sort of thing women often have after pregnancy. Which almost re-tightens but doesn’t quite. My worry is that I was so fat for so long it may not re-tighten. Tummy tucks and such are very very very expensive, and to get one on the NHS or even assistance from them means you have to let your skin fester, rot and die before they even think of helping you. So I am trying to tone up, using a bit of massage and regularly applying Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Firming lotion. It’s meant to take six weeks to work...week 2 and yes some improvements. If it fails then I just need to hope for a well paid job to come my way.
Work Work Work....
I was offered a stunning tour of the ‘The Mowgli Stories’ with Illyria ( playing Baloo. I was very very excited by it, but recently, I have been fortunate enough to be getting interest from some very big casting people, and films etc. So I took a business risk and turned down the tour, to be available for a while to see what else I could net. Of course the minute I did, the auditions dried up and instead I am serving Jenny Eclair crispy bacon for breakfast.
As much as I regret this decision I do still believe that in any business you have to take risks every now and then. I just hope something trundles my way over the next few months.
BUT!!! All is not completely hopeless! It’s important to remain creative and I have been doing just that!
I have been quite busy on a variety of things. I have had a few little art commissions, a drawing, a painting and a couple of little sculptures. So they have been nice to be getting on with. But as ever they are for friends of friends etc, so I keep under charging for them by a huge amount, or doing it for free...still I love doing it though.
My new web page is proving a lovely tool ( built by my very good and very talented friend Ben Francis ( . I will be uploading some of the art work I have been recently working on to the site soon so what this space.
I also had some cool business cards made up. I have never had business cards before but I thought it was about time I got a few. But I didn’t want just dull boring ones, oh no. I wanted something interesting, a little different. Something that showed off my talents as an actor, but also an artist and writer...something that captures personality as well as contact details, but also matches my web site! Then I found ! They are great because they print each card separately. So effectively the front of all the cards can be different.
I decided to put one of my poems with a little illustration on the front of the cards, so each card has a different tale and picture, with my details on the back! See below.
I love them you should check out if you are looking for thing like business cards and printing.
"The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live." - - - Morris Adler
I am currently trying to put my art work to a good use by struggling to learn animation. Specifically Flash animation at the moment. I have found Flash to be a really amazing tool and although at first it completely baffled me, it have picked up the basics in just a couple of hours. The whole program just makes sense, and the more you work with it the quicker and easier it becomes.
I have two reasons really for learning this, one: because maybe I could put my artwork to a more! And do some web flash banners and designs...It’s something that I could do on the road and might help just pay my bills a little. You never know.
But the main reason for learning is because I have written a few short movie ideas that will, one way or another, involve animation. And I hope to be able to produce the effects I want in the near future. (I’ll update on the progress of this later)
If music be the food of love....then great, but I’m actually starving and off for a burger....
Developed an awesome recipe for a vegetarian six bean chilli....really really nice...really filling and unbelievably healthy, doesn’t cost much either....if anyone fancies the recipe, email me and I shall send it to you.
Right then, you gorgeous lovely people. Take the very best care and I shall speak to you all soon.
Love and hugs
Chris Xx
Ps – Star Trek movie....oh dear god yes!!!
PPS – transformers 2 – on Friday – can’t wait
PPSS? - Very lovely electrician working where I work this week. So lovely that every time I tried to talk to him (which was a lot) I got tongue tied and just kept asking lame questions about fuse boxes....I’m such a loser.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
New Web Page
Hello all.
Just dropping by to let you all know that my new web page has launched. It can be found at
i hope you are all well.
Take care
Chris xx
Just dropping by to let you all know that my new web page has launched. It can be found at
i hope you are all well.
Take care
Chris xx
Thursday, 5 February 2009
thats a video of some of my art work if any body is interested.
anyhoooo, how is every body?
Things with me have been hectic.and odd and sad and happy and brilliant and lonely and confusing and exciting and disapointing.
the acting work has been quietin the last couple of months partly because of panto season, partly also because of xmas and new years. so hopefully things will take off again now.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. Did you all have a wonderful time? mine was quiet but lovely. spent with friends.
so things with me are good. Love life? same as before.... unrequited. thats a year now.... my bloody hard is like an iron fist, it wont bloody let go.
I might have mensioned this before but i have lost weight. i used to be nearly 26 stone!!!! and sported a 56 inch waist. now i am a 42 inch waist. i dont know how much i weigh because i have refused to weigh myself for the who weightloss period. why? because i think weighing yourself is miss leading, and becomes obsessive and depressive. i just went with how i felt, how my cloths felt and ate reasonably. simple.
the upshot is i have had to spend the very very few pennies i have on some new cloths. because my entire waredrobe was too big for me. the good thing is i now have clothes i have always wanted to have and i look fab! lol - you know me its all waist coats, jackets, boots and trilby's.
i have been making arty stuff. here is some new things.
This is a Small OOAK fairy baby
gizmo and mohawk (i didn't sculpt these just built and painted them)
A Tiny OOAK baby fairy for use in a jar.
the fairy in the jar
a Raptor head
This is probably the hardest thing i have made. its a 1/24 scale T-rex. its pretty big. i built and sculpted and painted all myself.
so as you can see i have been a busy boy.
anyway how is everybody else???
Love and hugs
Chris xx
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