blog intro

Hello and welcome to my blog, please rest your eyes over my written goods.

Friday, 24 August 2007

Jack hears From Dawn!! at last!!

Poor old Jack... he has a tough time of it... and after waiting faithfully by the phone he finally hears officialy from Dawn. here is the episode:

i hope you like it. it was cleverly filmed. live. me in my room and they in an internet cafe in europe! it was such good fun and a big thank you to the creative team for letting me film with them.

Chris x

Saturday, 18 August 2007

More from Jack Nibbs

Well I have been busy working on a couple more Jack Nibbs videos as responses to Where are the Joneses. I really i hope hear from the joneses creative team soon. i would dearly love to be invovled in this project first hand. but we shall see. in the mean time here are the two new videos i have made. You should also check out the actual episodes to which these are responses.

Jack Was touched abou hearing about Dawn's teenage years that he thought he shouls share some of his puberty stories!

let me know what you think.

Chris x

Sunday, 12 August 2007

More Jack Nibbs

Ok here are some more jack videos.

Jack descides to break out the crayons and try his hand at poetry.

and jack is still waiting loyaly by the phone.

Check out Where are the Joneses? its awesome.

Hope everyone is well.

Chris :)

Friday, 10 August 2007

Where are the Joneses?

There is a new type of comedy show being produced by Babycow and Imagination, london, here in england. Its brilliant because it's professinaly produced but the content is guided by the public and the world wide web. anybody can submit chcaracter ideas, scripts, plots, and everyday they film a new episode from the new material. Check out the show and let everyone know.

 The show is braodcast on the web through Youtube and its various websites:

here is the first episode:

and here is the catch up episode:

anway I suggested my character Jack could be a possible contender. So i made a video response:

and the creators of the show liked it but wanted to know more and see if they could get people interested in the character as it is a publicly run show.

so i made this video:

i just wanted to share these with you all and maybe we can spread the word of the show because i really think thsi sort of entertainment is going to be a way forward with technology and the internet going the way it is.

Chris x